One of the main charges the Lord left with His followers was to make more followers. He commanded to “make disciples of all nations” and “preach the gospel to every creature” (Matt. 28:19; Mk. 16:15).
No doubt. You have that desire.
There is only one way to add more people to the Lord: they must be obedient to the truth (Heb. 5:9). Many around us have abandoned that fact and turned to worldly ways to attract people. They appeal to carnal, shallow wants and pleasures like exciting entertainment, social services, sports activities, and so on. In so doing, that is the type of people added to their swelling numbers for the most part.
That is not what we want because that is not the way of the Lord.
In order to draw spiritually-minded people, souls that want to know and do the Lord’s will, we must use God’s power unto salvation – the gospel (Rom. 1:16). Jesus said men come to Him when they are taught and learn (Jn. 6:44, 45).
Let us have faith in His word and way. Let us realize there are people hungering and thirsting for righteousness and the only way we will be able to reach them is through preaching the word.