Your listing details

Provide the congregation name (i.e. Main St. church of Christ)
Provide the physical address of the assembly location below
provide the street address here
Select your state
Enter the type and time of your 1st Sunday Assembly below (i.e. Bible Class 9:00 AM)
Enter the type and time of your 2nd Sunday Assembly below (i.e. Worship 10:00 AM)
Enter any 3rd Sunday Assembly type and time below (i.e. Worship 5:00 PM) or leave blank
Add other assemblies such as Bible Classes, Singings, Lectureships, Men/Women/Youth Classes, etc.
Primary phone number for contact
Additional phone number for contact
Enter the church website INCLUDING https:// or http:// (i.e.
Add congregational information here (i.e. elders, TV program, etc.)
We HIGHLY recommend you upload a building image (you can grab one from Google Street View for most locations instructions here [opens a new window])
Post a video introducing your congregation, members, leadership, and its work or another useful video
Include a link to a Bible-study podcast
Include any additional helpful information that visitors may want to know about the congregation
Enter date below
Please affirm a few points regarding the congregation's beliefs and practices